Dear God... it's Dave

The world is a strange and frightening place filled with war, rampant commercialism and stupid people. I often wondered why it was this way, but I couldn't find any answers... until now. God, I'm calling on you... in blog form. I'd appreciate it if you could read my sincere and well-written blog and give me the answers I seek. Also, if you you see any typos, let me know. Thanks for your time and wisdom.

Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

I have thoughts... and a lot of time on my hands. That's good, right?

Friday, September 01, 2006

I Need a Miracle

Dear God… it’s Dave. I need a miracle. A member of my family is at death’s door. You know who I’m talking about… my beloved Sony Playstation. A few years ago my wife gave me the Playstation for my birthday. It was a very welcome addition to our family. I’ve enjoyed hours and hours of quality time with the gaming system which I’ve used to play various sports and Star Wars themed games.
But a few months ago something went very wrong. The Playstation didn’t seem to be itself. It started freezing during games and has gotten to the point where I can’t even get it to start up properly. You can imagine how heartbreaking this is for me. Ever since, I’ve found myself at a loss for what to do with my free time. I’ve been reading more and, as you know, I’ve started blogging. If this continues, I might even find myself learning a second language. We can’t have that.

Unfortunately, the plight of my Playstation is part of a growing problem. More and more often it seems that just about every piece of electronic technology my wife and I buy ends up breaking about two to three years after purchase. You know, right after all the warrantees expire. Cell phones, fans, DVD players, VCRs… you name it. We buy it, two years later, it’s broken and we need to replace it. The only piece of electronic equipment that seems to last forever is our alarm clock. But how hard can those be to make? I mean, the Swiss are good at making clocks.

I suppose this is all just part of the consumer driven society we live in. If companies made products that lasted a significant amount of time, then we wouldn’t need to buy new products every two years and they’d make less money. God forbid. I understand that’s the way things are, but that doesn’t make me want to kick the manufacturers of these items in the crotch any less. Seriously, put one of these guys in front of me right now and I’d stretch out my right leg for twenty minutes before I kicked him. Just to make sure I landed the most powerful kick possible.

I can’t change the way of the world, but I can ask my Maker for a favor. God, You are all powerful. You are capable of miraculous intervention. You are so magnificent that we must capitalize any word that refers to You. That’s why I’m asking You to resurrect my Playstation the way Jesus resurrected Lazarus. The rebirth of my gaming system won’t have the same kind of worldwide historical significance, but it sure would make me happy, not to mention save me the two hundred bucks it would cost me to buy a new one.

You’re very busy, so I don’t expect You to attend to this right away, but the sooner the better. In a few months, my first child will arrive and I’m going to need a way to zone out. I’m going to need something to deliver me from my wife’s postpartum depression and my son’s constant crying. I’m confident a healthy Playstation would be able to do that.

So see what you can do. I might even be willing to say a Rosary or something.

Your buddy,


PS – Also, let me know if Madden 2007 is significantly better that Madden 2006. Because I’m not going to spend fifty-bucks if it’s essentially the same game.


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